Traffic Tickets

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Traffic Tickets

Motor vehicle violations are some of the most common types of run-ins with the law that the average citizen faces. In this section of our website, we take you through many of the common motor vehicle violations that we see in Connecticut. Understanding these violations can help you avoid them, or, if you face a ticket, this information can help you defend yourself.

Types of Violations

The first topic that we cover in the motor vehicle section of our website is types of violations. There are a lot of different types of violations that a Connecticut resident can face. In this section, we talk about common motor vehicle violations such as:

If you face any of the above infractions or crimes, you can learn more about them on the individual pages in this section. This section also answers some general questions about motor vehicle infractions and provides information on how you can fight a ticket if you would like to.

Types of Licenses

In addition to motor vehicle violations, take some time to learn about the types of licenses that a person can have in Connecticut, and how they might be affected by a ticket, infraction, or motor vehicle crime. If you have a commercial driver’s license, a motor vehicle infraction could have serious consequences for you. You might not be able to work if your license is revoked or suspended for too many violations.

Another element to consider is trucking violations. If you drive a truck for a living, there are certain regulations that you need to comply with. You can learn more about overweight truck violations in this section. You can also learn about general trucking violations and how they might impact you.

DMV Point System

Finally, if you face a motor vehicle violation, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with Connecticut’s DMV point system. Different motor vehicle violations carry different point penalties that will go against your license. Too many points will result in the suspension of your license. So, it is important to keep an eye on your DMV points and make sure that you do not have too many.

If you have questions about motor vehicle violations, this section of our website is a good place to start. You can find information on different types of violations, different types of licenses, consequences of these violations, DMV points, and much more. If you have additional questions, or need help with a specific situation, we are happy to assist you. Contact our office and we can answer your questions.

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