Types of Fraud

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Types of Fraud

Did you know that there are many different types of fraud that make up financial crimes? If you have been charged with a form of fraud, it is a good idea to learn more about it. That is why we created this section of our website – to give you the information that you need about types of fraud and financial crimes.

Types of Fraud

First, visit our page about types of fraud in Connecticut. Here, you can learn a bit about healthcare fraud, tax fraud, and wire fraud. If you face one of these issues, you can learn what you are up against, as well as the potential penalties that you face.

Another common form of fraud that you can learn about is bank fraud. Bank fraud usually occurs in two major situations – the first is when a person illegally obtains money from a financial institution. The second situation is when a person pretends to be a financial institution in order to illegally obtain money from depositors.

Airbag fraud is another form of fraud that you might face. A person is guilty of airbag fraud when they sell or use an airbag that is not meant for the car it is used in. Airbags need to match up with the make and model of specific cars.

Defrauding the public is another common form of fraud. Defrauding the public happens when a person commits forms of fraud related to public services, such as healthcare or welfare. These are services that the public uses, and the public may be deprived of these services if someone causes fraud related to one of them. Learn more about defrauding the public on our page devoted to this crime.

Unlicensed contractor fraud is another common form of theft that you could be accused of. Contractors must have a valid contractor’s license for big jobs. If a project exceeds a certain amount of money, the contractor must have this license. If they do not have it, they could face an unlicensed contractor fraud charge.

Welfare fraud is a common type of fraud, and it is something that you might be accused of. If someone intentionally seeks to abuse the welfare system, they could be charged with welfare fraud. Withholding information or giving false information to the welfare system are two common examples of welfare fraud. You can learn more about this type of fraud on this page of our website.

Insurance fraud generally refers to a situation where a person who is not eligible tries to use some kind of advantage or benefit. For example, if a person tries to take advantage of healthcare but they are not eligible for it. You can learn more on our page about insurance fraud.

Embezzlement is theft because it is a form of larceny. If a person wrongfully takes another person’s property, and the victim was in their custody or care, this could constitute embezzlement. There are six forms, or “degrees”, of embezzlement. Check out our page on the subject to learn more about how embezzlement is defined, how each degree is defined, and the penalties for each.

If a person gets money from an ATM through fraudulent use of the machine, they can be guilty of fraudulent use of an ATM. You can learn more on this page.

If a person instills fear in another person that harm will come to them if they do not deliver money or goods to them, they can be guilty of extortion.

Counterfeiting is another crime in Connecticut. Basically, counterfeiting happens when one person imitates someone else or another company for gain.

Finally, we have failure to pay wages. If an employer fails to pay an employee the agreed upon wages, this is failure to pay wages.

Click the links on this page to learn more about any of these types of fraud.

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