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Drug Additions and Drug Crime

A judge may take your drug addiction into account when determining your bail or your penalties in a case. If addiction led you to certain illegal actions, you might go to rehabilitation as opposed to severe punishment for the crimes that you get charged with. In some cases, a judge might allow you to get released from court custody – either on bail or on probation – given certain rules that you have to follow. If the court finds that you have a problem with drug addiction, one condition of your release might be to submit to drug tests. Failing these drug tests could prompt further action by the court.

If you fail a drug test, this can cause many actions taken by the state, including:

  • No action at all.
  • Increased probation officer monitoring.
  • Referral to an alternative incarceration center.
  • Referral to a technical violation unit.
  • Outpatient or inpatient therapy.
  • Violation of probation arrest.

If you get arrested for violation of probation because you fail a drug test, one punishment can still be rehabilitation as opposed to a jail sentence. The punishment will depend on your particular case. For more information, consider contacting a criminal defense lawyer.

Drug Courts

Facing a drug addiction can have a serious impact on your life. Your relationships might suffer. You might not be able to hold down a job. And, you might make choices that you regret.

Doing something illegal while under the influence of drugs or as a result of your addiction can be devastating for you and your family. You don’t want this one mistake to impact the rest of your life. Luckily, the courts will oftentimes recognize addiction as a factor in crime. Instead of serving jail time, you might have the option to participate in a drug court. You can learn more about drug courts here.

If you are addicted to drugs, and this addiction impacted your behavior that led to a violation of probation charge, you might be eligible for a drug court as opposed to having your case tried in a traditional court. Drug courts aim to rehabilitate individuals by providing treatment, support, and supervision for at least one year. The drug courts believe that addicts should be rehabilitated instead of punished for crimes that they commit.

All drug court participants must receive, for at least one year:

  • Regular and random drug tests.
  • Accountability to help themselves, their families, and their communities, as well as meet their court obligations.
  • Intensive treatment.
  • Resources to help them become and remain clean/sober.
  • Appearances in court for a judge to determine their progress.
  • Rewards for cooperation and sobriety and punishments for failing to meet obligations.

Consult a Connecticut Drug Attorney on Addiction in Your Case

If you think that you might be eligible for a drug court in Connecticut due to addiction, you should contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. A lawyer can help you determine the state guidelines for eligibility in a drug court program and help you figure out if this is the right choice for you.

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