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Patrick Greenhalgh
“To permit irresponsible authority is to sell disaster.”
― Robert A. Heinlein

Attorney Bio
The United States founded itself on the ideal of checked power. Criminal defense lawyers serve as a check on the State’s power to persecute, defending the individual’s rights before the prosecution of the government. To me a person’s rights lie paramount; and I will fight to defend yours.
I started out on my own by joining the U.S. Army in the early stage of the Global War on Terror. I rose to become a leader in the Intelligence Corps, where it was my duty to understand the enemy and then to find them; so that we may defeat them. My service led me worldwide from the hills of Korea to the dunes of Kuwait, and ultimately culminating with the War in Afghanistan. I stood shoulder to shoulder with people from every imaginable walk of life in the face of adversity: and thus gained my understanding that people’s stories are usually far from what the public may perceive.
I am a native of Connecticut and a double Husky; a term meaning I graduated from UCONN for both my undergraduate and law degrees. I focused on criminal law during my scholarship and even interned for the State’s Attorney office. Following a long-tested philosophy, to know victory one must know the enemy as they know themselves; and I believe I can use that experience to help defend you. Before joining Ruane Attorneys, I was with the Connecticut Judicial Branch as a writing clerk, and then I spent time in a firm fighting for individuals against predatory debt collection from major financial institutions. In my personal life I am an avid player of games of skill; as well as enjoy painting and playing piano.
It is no pleasure to find yourself accused by the government; but you don’t have to be there alone. I am battle tested and won’t shirk from conflict, as I have spent a life fighting in many arenas against those who wish to impose their will on others. I resolve to be straightforward and help you understand the complex legalese that you may encounter.
Shoulder-to-shoulder, trust me to fight for you.