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Georgios Tarasidis
Whatever the story may be, everyone deserves a fair defense.

Attorney Bio
I’m a native North Carolinian and a proud Greek-American, practicing smack dab in the middle of Connecticut of all places. I’ve dedicated my career thus far to the practice of criminal law. My law school recognized my early talents for trial work by inducting me into the Order of Barristers which recognizes trial skills excellence. I’m licensed to practice in the states of Alabama and Connecticut and in our Federal District of Connecticut. I’m also a member of the Connecticut Criminal Defense Lawyers Association.
My love of law grew during my time studying history in college. After all, history and law go hand in hand. For without history, we would have no law. I found myself studying war crimes and crimes against humanity and the trials which followed them. This pursuit of justice and fairness deeply fascinated and inspired me to pursue law.
Defending Your Rights
I often get asked “How do you do it? Defending crimes?” I tell them: “I’m not defending crimes, I’m defending a right.”
There’s this misconception in our society that criminal defense attorneys defend and condone crimes of accused. That’s simply wrong. What we do is defend one of the most important constitutional rights in this country: the right to a fair defense. You have so many countries in this world that won’t even allow a defense in court, more or less a fair one.
Sure, in this line of work you encounter those who have a history of committing crimes. But more so I find that you encounter just good folks caught up in bad situations in life. They’re scared. They’re worried. They feel like no one is on their side. That’s where I take a lot of pride in my work. Being the one person folks can rely on with certainty that’s on their side to defend them. Whatever the story may be, everyone deserves that fair defense. I like looking out for that.