Sexual Assault

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Sexual Assault

Connecticut’s sex crime laws broadly cover various behaviors that may constitute sexual assault. With very few exceptions, sexual assault is always prosecuted as a felony offense punishable by years of imprisonment, steep fines, the permanent loss of certain civil rights, and mandatory sex offender registration either for ten years or for life after release from incarceration.

Being accused of this kind of offense is a serious situation requiring prompt and proactive action. Your priority should be to contact the legal team at Ruane Attorneys to discuss a tailored defense to the charges. Working with a Norwich sexual assault lawyer could be vital to minimizing the impact on your life and avoiding the repercussions of a conviction.

Degrees of Sexual Assault Under State Law

Connecticut General Statute §53a-70 through 53a-73a defines four degrees of sexual assault offenses, as well as separate charges for assaults occurring while the defendant had a firearm in their possession and assaults occurring under certain aggravating circumstances. These degrees are primarily differentiated based on whether the offense involved sexual contact or sexual intercourse and whether the defendant used or threatened force to compel a non-consenting person’s participation.

Engaging in sexual contact without the threat of force with someone who materially cannot consent, such as someone under 18 years old or someone over whom the defendant has disciplinary or supervisory authority, is fourth-degree sexual assault. This can be a class A misdemeanor or class D felony depending on whether the alleged victim is over 16 years old at the time. Third-degree sexual assault—which entails compelling another person into sexual contact using or threatening force—can be a class D or class C felony, depending on the targeted person’s age.

Sexual assault in the second and first degree work the same as the degrees listed above, except that they involve sexual intercourse rather than sexual contact and are therefore prosecuted more harshly. As a Norwich attorney can further explain, second-degree sexual assault can be a class C or class B felony, while a first-degree offense can be a class B or class A felony.

Building a Defense Against Sexual Assault Allegations

Sexual assault cases are often emotionally and legally complex cases. Often, there is little definitive evidence proving that a sexual encounter was non-consensual or that it occurred at all. With this in mind, building a strong defense against these accusations typically involves examining various pieces of circumstantial and testimonial evidence to find inconsistencies between the parties’ stories.

Anything a defendant says at any point during a sexual assault investigation or trial could be used as evidence against them. As such, retaining a lawyer as soon as possible after being accused of sexual assault in Norwich is essential to protecting a defendant’s rights and best interests.

Consider Working with a Norwich Sexual Assault Attorney

Both law enforcement authorities and the public have increasingly focused on sexual assault as a criminal offense in recent years, leading to many courts prosecuting them even more harshly. However, you still have legal rights when you face these allegations, such as the right to legal counsel. Enforcing those rights could be vital to preserving your future prospects.

A consultation with a Norwich sexual assault lawyer could give you the information and answers you need to move forward effectively with your defense strategy. Call Ruane Attorneys today to schedule a meeting.

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