
Ruane Attorneys is a law firm founded on one guiding principle – put the client first. Since founding partner James J. Ruane began practicing law in 1978, we have been making a difference both inside and outside of the courtroom. If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, get the team trusted by clients with over 1000 Google Reviews and a rating over 4.8 stars.

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All alleged thefts are serious matters. However, the most severe allegations involve the supposed use or threat of force against another, known as robbery. Without exception, robbery charges are felonies where a conviction can impact your life for years to come.

When the stakes are this high, let a New Haven robbery lawyer defend you and your rights. Ruane Attorneys is ready to stand by your side throughout the criminal process, from evaluating the prosecution’s case to building a defense tailored to the circumstances.

What is Robbery?

Many people are confused when they learn they are being charged with robbery. They may not understand how these cases differ from simple thefts or why they face felony charges.

The main factor that separates a robbery from a simple theft is the concept of force. It is always illegal to take another person’s property. However, robbery involves taking property using or threatening to use force, according to Connecticut General Statute § 53a-133.

Disputing the use or threat of force is one common defense against a robbery charge. A defendant and their robbery attorney may argue that no reasonable person would have felt under threat during the alleged incident. This may convince a court or jury to reduce the charges to those of simple theft. A New Haven attorney could provide more information about the concept of robbery and how to differentiate between these and simple theft allegations.

The Impact of a Robbery Conviction in New Haven

Robbery cases are always felonies. This means that a conviction will remain on a person’s criminal record for the foreseeable future. It also means that a conviction can bring at least one year in prison. However, the law creates three separate versions of robbery, each with their own definitions and potential penalties.

Third-Degree Robbery

Conn. Gen. Stat. § 53a-136 outlines the basic definition of robbery mentioned above. Robberies in the third degree are class D felonies, meaning the maximum prison term upon conviction is five years.

Robbery in the Second Degree

Robberies in the second degree are defined under Conn. Gen. Stat. § 53a-135. Under the law, these robberies involve a defendant acting in concert with another person to commit the crime. Convictions are class C felonies that can bring prison sentences of up to ten years.

First-Degree Robbery

Robberies in the first degree involve allegations that a person used a firearm to commit robbery. These charges can also result from any robbery that results in severe injury to anyone other than the defendant. Under Conn. Gen. Stat. § 53a-134, these cases are class B felonies that can bring a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 20 years in prison. A lawyer at our firm could provide more information about the degrees of robbery under state law.

Speak with a New Haven Robbery Attorney Today

Every robbery allegation is a serious matter that demands your full attention. No matter the exact circumstances behind an arrest, prosecutors will pursue the case as a felony under state law. This means that a conviction will label you as a felon and could lead to time in prison. More severe examples could even result in up to 25 years of imprisonment.

A New Haven robbery lawyer could help you fight back against these charges and protect your future. The legal team at Ruane Attorneys is prepared to listen to your side of the story, evaluate the legality of police work that led to an arrest, and present powerful arguments before judges and juries on your behalf. Contact our firm now to discuss your case.

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