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DUI cases are criminal matters under state law. This means that an arrest will create a criminal record for the length of the case, and a conviction will remain on your record for the foreseeable future. Additionally, state law outlines various criminal, financial, and administrative penalties upon conviction.

It is crucial that you understand the New Haven DUI penalties to know what you are up against. The defense lawyers at Ruane Attorneys are ready to explain the state’s core DUI laws and potential aggravating factors. We will listen to your goals for the case and work to pursue a positive outcome.

Penalties for a First DUI Conviction

Most DUI cases in New Haven move forward under the state’s core DUI statute, Connecticut General Statute § 14-227a. This law says that it is illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The same statute also states the penalties that accompany these convictions, including:

  • A jail sentence of up to six months
  • Fines of between $500 and $1,000
  • A loss of license for at least 45 days
  • The requirement that a driver install an ignition interlock device on their vehicle upon reinstatement of their license

The penalties for a DUI conviction will affect a person’s finances and ability to continue driving. While a jail sentence is always possible, a first conviction with no aggravating factors is unlikely to bring this result. Even so, fighting against DUI penalties with a New Haven attorney is always advisable.

How DUI Cases May Bring Enhanced Penalties

The penalties discussed above apply to first-offense DUI cases without any aggravating factors. However, various issues may lead to a prosecutor pursuing aggravated DUI charges. These can be felonies under state law with devastating consequences upon conviction. One aggravating factor is a defendant having a prior DUI conviction on their record. An incident resulting in another person’s injury or death will also aggravate the potential DUI charges.

Felony DUI cases can come with many harsh penalties. In every case, a defendant faces mandatory jail time—sentences could last multiple years. A conviction will also come with stiffer fines and a longer loss of license. In extreme examples, the court will permanently rescind a person’s driver’s license after a conviction. When a prosecutor intends to pursue aggravated DUI penalties, it is crucial to begin building a defense with a New Haven lawyer as soon as possible.

Call a New Haven Attorney to Avoid Severe DUI Penalties

Every DUI case is a serious matter requiring a proactive defense. Even if the case moves forward as a misdemeanor, a conviction will create a criminal record, require you to pay heavy fines, and force you to lose your license for a period of time. You could even face jail time.

Other examples of DUI cases are felonies. Here, convictions will have long-lasting consequences that include mandatory jail time. Regardless of your circumstances, consulting a lawyer on the New Haven DUI penalties should be a priority. Ruane Attorneys is prepared to begin building a defense that protects your rights and defeats the allegations against you. Contact our firm today to get started.

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