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Charges that allege prostitution in New Britain are serious matters. At the very least, a conviction will create a criminal record that may make it difficult to obtain housing or employment. In more serious cases, a court could even sentence you to jail time. You need to take every possible step to protect yourself and your freedom.

Hiring a New Britain prostitution lawyer to handle your case should be your first move. The team at Ruane Attorneys can work to explain the state’s prostitution laws, evaluate the strength of the prosecution’s evidence, and form a defense that creates reasonable doubt concerning the allegations. Reach out to us now to discuss your situation.

Understanding the Concept of Prostitution in New Britain

As with every other criminal offense, state law strictly defines what counts as prostitution. According to Connecticut General Statute § 53a-82, it is illegal for any person over the age of 18 to engage in sexual conduct with another in exchange for a fee.

Agreeing to Engage in Prostitution

However, this basic concept does not reflect how law enforcement and prosecutors can use this law to pursue charges that allege prostitution. For instance, the law prohibits people from making agreements to engage in prostitution. This means that an arrest could result from no more than texts or emails that appear to show an arrangement to have sex in exchange for money.

Exchanging Something of Value for Sexual Contact

In addition, the law uses the term “fee” to describe the property that changes hands. This can include cash and any property or service of value. The broad scope of the prostitution statute can lead to arrests under various circumstances. An attorney could provide more information about the state statute that controls prostitution cases in New Britain.

Legal Options for Fighting Prostitution Charges

Every person’s prostitution case is unique and requires a tailored defense strategy. A New Britain prostitution lawyer could help determine the best option for the specific circumstances.

Prostitution Plea Deals

For many people, this can involve working toward a fair plea deal. If the charges are for a first-time offense, a plea deal could allow a person to spend time on probation and receive an eventual dismissal of charges.

Defending Prostitution Charges in Court

In some cases, a defendant may wish to contest the charge in court. Here, an attorney could work to uncover evidence that there was never an agreement to have sex for money or that any sexual contact resulted from a relationship or chance encounter.

Alternatively, state law allows all people facing prostitution charges to claim that they are the victims of human trafficking or only engaged in the activity under threat. A lawyer in the area could work to gather evidence and mount an effective defense for the specific prostitution charges.

Contact a New Britain Prostitution Attorney Today

If you face charges related to prostitution in New Britain, you need to act swiftly to protect yourself. A conviction can result in the payment of a heavy fine, the creation of a criminal record, or even a jail sentence.

A New Britain prostitution lawyer is dedicated to preventing this outcome. Whether your goal is to obtain a fair plea deal that avoids jail time or to fight the allegations at trial, the team at Ruane Attorneys is ready to fight for your best interests and protect your future. Reach out to us now to get started.

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