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Allegations involving prostitution require a proactive defense. While state law classifies these offenses as misdemeanors, a conviction will create a criminal record and could sometimes lead to jail time. Avoiding a conviction by working with an attorney on a strong defense is crucial.

Hiring a Manchester prostitution lawyer to handle your case is the first step in protecting your rights and future. Legal counsel could introduce evidence of a consensual sexual relationship, dispute whether you exchanged money or property, or even contest that an encounter occurred at all. Contact Ruane Attorneys today to discuss your case and get started on your defense.

The Legal Definition of Prostitution

It is illegal to have sexual intercourse with a person in exchange for money. However, state law expands on this basic definition to include a variety of other behaviors under the umbrella of prostitution.

According to Connecticut General Statute § 53a-82, an act of prostitution includes any sexual conduct performed under a fee arrangement in exchange for money or any other item of value. This means the law prohibits having sex in exchange for food, housing, electronics, or anything else of value. Additionally, the sex act does not need to be sexual intercourse. Any form of sexual activity falls under the definition of prostitution.

Offering to Exchange Sexual Services

The exchange of goods for sex does not need to occur for police to make an arrest and prosecutors to pursue a case. The statute says the mere offer to participate in this activity can justify prosecution. A Manchester attorney can further explain the concept of prostitution under state law and develop a defense tailored to the specific case.

Penalties for Prostitution in Manchester

Prostitution cases in Manchester courts require strong defense strategies. According to state law, this activity is a class A misdemeanor. This means that a conviction can force a person to pay a fine of up to $2,000, spend up to one year in jail, or both.

The prostitution lawyers at our firm can craft a defense to defeat a prosecutor’s case and prevent these penalties. This could include offering evidence that a sexual encounter was mutually consensual and did not involve payment. Alternatively, legal counsel could argue that the defendant was forced into the activity due to human trafficking. There are often many potential avenues for defense in these cases.

Speak with a Manchester Prostitution Attorney Today

Prostitution charges can involve a wide variety of illegal activities. While it is certainly illegal to have sex with a person in exchange for money, you can also face charges for allegedly having any sexual contact in exchange for anything of value. A simple agreement to participate in this kind of exchange also violates state law.

A Manchester prostitution lawyer is prepared to help defend your case and preserve your rights and reputation. At Ruane Attorneys, we can work to explain the state’s laws, evaluate the evidence that a prosecutor may introduce at trial, uncover information that could help your case, and defend your rights during all court sessions. Reach out to our firm today to schedule an appointment.

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