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Sometimes Connecticut residents travel to other states, like Iowa, for business or pleasure and have the unfortunate luck to be charged with a DUI. If this happens to you, you should first find a qualified DUI lawyer in Iowa, but you should also be aware of how Connecticut’s DMV will treat you upon your return.

If you have been convicted of a DUI in Iowa, you would be convicted of violating Iowa Code § 321J.2(1).

Iowa DUI Penalties

In Iowa, the penalties for DUI can range depending on the number of prior DUI offenses you have.

First offense: A first offense conviction will result in a jail sentence of no less than 48 hours and no more than one year, a fine no less than $1,250 and no more than $1,500, a surcharge of 35%, a drunk drivers course, and a substance abuse evaluation. If your blood alcohol content (BAC), was under .15, and you did not cause an accident that led to the injury of others, you might be able to avoid jail time.

Second offense: A second conviction carries a fine of $1,850-$5,000, a jail sentence of 7 days to two years, a 32% surcharge, a drunk driving course, and a substance abuse evaluation.

Third offense: This is considered a felony, and the penalties include a prison sentence of 30 days to five years, a fine of $3,125-$7,500, a 32% surcharge, a drunk driving course, a substance abuse evaluation, and a license suspension for six years.

If you are a Connecticut resident who has been charged with or convicted of DUI in Iowa, you should be aware that there are repercussions on your Connecticut license in your home state in addition to any license impact in Iowa as set forth above.

After hiring an Iowa DUI lawyer to help you fight your DUI, you should consider contacting a Connecticut DUI lawyer like our firm that has worked with interstate DMV consequences or asking us to assist you in retaining one for your home state consequences.

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