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After a DUI arrest, people often find that the impact on their career may be greater than the impact on their day to day life. Certain professions, like pilots, teachers, nurses can have dramatic and life long consequences if your DUI is resolved favorably. Learn how a DUI could impact pilots here.
Impact on Pilots
Getting a DUI as a pilot can be incredibly damaging to your career. This is because the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will learn about your DUI and takes DUI offenses extremely seriously. The average person faces difficulties and stress when charged with a DUI. But, the consequences for a pilot can be more severe. This is because showing reckless behavior while operating a vehicle can cause an airline to fire you. Also, it can be difficult to be hired by another airline with a DUI on your record. Some of the consequences of getting a DUI for pilots can be studied on this page.
Notifying the FAA
If you are a pilot and you receive a DUI, you must report it to the Federal Aviation Administration. The 14 CFR 61.15 states that all pilots must send a notification letter to the Security and Investigative Division of the FAA within 60 days of receiving any alcohol related conviction, including a DUI. Because a DUI conviction will go on your driving record, it is a bad idea to try and hide your DUI from the FAA or your employer. This is something that they can easily look up. If the FAA learns that you lied, your pilot license can get revoked or suspended. Also, you could be in danger of losing your job.
A letter of notification must go to the FAA for each alcohol related event. Even if you only receive a suspension of your license, you must notify the FAA. A separate letter of notification must get mailed if you get convicted of a DUI. As a result, there is no way that the FAA will not find out about your DUI. This could potentially affect your job security and your likelihood of getting hired by another airline company in the future. If convicted of a DUI, the FAA will probably assess you for alcoholism. They will have to determine if you are fit to keep your pilot license.
DUI Consequences
While getting a DUI will not automatically end your career as a pilot, it can lead to speculation as to whether you are fit to be a pilot or not. If you are not yet a pilot and you receive a DUI, it can affect your chances of obtaining a pilots license. Even if you already have your license, you might lose it after a DUI conviction. Your particular case will depend on how you handle the situation, because if you report the DUI and show that you are still a capable pilot with no alcohol dependency, the chances of you keeping your license and job are good. However, your company may decide that they cannot keep you and you will be out of work. In this way, receiving a DUI can affect your job and your ability to work.