
Ruane Attorneys is a law firm founded on one guiding principle – put the client first. Since founding partner James J. Ruane began practicing law in 1978, we have been making a difference both inside and outside of the courtroom. If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, get the team trusted by clients with over 1000 Google Reviews and a rating over 4.8 stars.

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If you are pulled over for a driving violation, chances are a police officer gave you a traffic infraction. But what is a traffic infraction? What are the consequences? And how can you fight it? You can find out on this page.

What is a Traffic Infraction?

A traffic infraction is another way of saying a traffic “ticket.” Such examples of this would be:

  • Running a red light.
  • Disobeying a “do not turn on red” sign.
  • Speeding.
  • Talking on your cellphone while driving.
  • Other minor traffic issues.

These unclassified violations (meaning the penalty is enumerated in the statue itself and not just listed within a category) are just infractions. They are not crimes that would go on a person’s criminal record. It is important to note that both criminal driving activity such as reckless driving and infractions can end up on one’s driving record.

Traffic Infraction Penalties

Penalties for infractions including speeding vary based on the circumstances. Some of these circumstances are whether the infraction occurred in a school or construction zone, how fast one was going, weather conditions, etc. Though not normally the case, it is possible to be charged with an infraction for one or more of these traffic violations and be charged with a criminal misdemeanor for reckless driving.

The penalties for an infraction is typically just a fine, unless the driver has accumulated too many infractions within a three year period. At that point, they can face mandatory driver retraining and suspensions. This will depend on how many points they have assessed against their driver’s license.

Remember that reckless driving is not a driving infraction; it is a misdemeanor crime. This means that you will face more than a fine for a reckless driving charge – you can also face jail time.

Getting Help

If you face a traffic infraction, you have the right to fight it. You can do this by taking your ticket to court. It is best to do this with the help of a lawyer who can establish a defense to your ticket. A lawyer can also use their knowledge of courthouses to determine the best way to defend your situation. These are some of things that a criminal and traffic defense attorney like those at Ruane Attorneys can help navigate with you for the best outcomes. Give us a call for a free consultation to see if we can help you out. We are happy to answer your questions and provide resources to assist you.

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