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What to Expect

Facing a sex crime charge in Connecticut an be overwhelming. In this section of our website, we describe some common issues that you might face in your case, as well as potential consequences of a sex crime conviction. We cover topics such as:

But before you learn more about these elements of a sex crime case, familiarize yourself with federal vs. state sex crime laws.

In the United States, we have two sovereigns: a federal sovereign and a state sovereign. Both sovereigns have within their penal codes laws punishing sexual offenses. Some sex crimes are classified the same way throughout the country, while others vary based on the state that you are in. Some crimes may be prosecuted in both federal and state court, exposing the defendant to criminal liability in both jurisdictions. On this page, you can learn more about federal sex crimes and how they differ from state sex crimes.

State Crimes

A state sex crime is when a person commits an illegal sexual act within a specific state and the act violates a law created by that state’s government prohibiting that act. The state then has the right and power to prosecute that individual for committing a crime in their boarders. An example would be that it is illegal in Connecticut to have sex with a student in high school if you are employed by that school. If a person who is a school employee employed in Connecticut has sex with a student enrolled in that Connecticut high school, then he or she is subject to punishment by the state of Connecticut.

From state to state, criminal laws can vary. One example is that recreational use of marijuana is not a crime in Massachusetts or Vermont, but it is still considered a crime in other states.

Federal Crimes

The federal government or the United States government has its own set of criminal laws. When a federal crime is committed then it is the federal government in a federal court where the defendant will be prosecuted. Certain sexual crimes can start out as state crimes but due to either other crimes committed along with the sexual assault or the severity of the sexual assault it becomes a federal crime. In those cases, it is possible to be prosecuted in both jurisdictions simultaneously for the same set of facts. Some examples of sexual crimes that often become federal crimes are aggravated sexual abusechild pornography, offenders with multiple sex offenses, exploitation of children in a sexual manner, human trafficking, etc. Most often a sexual crime becomes a federal crime when the crime or crimes are being committed across state lines.

An example of a sexual crime that would be a federal crime is if a person was bringing in minors from one state to another for sex trafficking purposes.

National Sex Registry

The federal government also has its own National Sex Registry. The information provided to the registry about the person is very similar to Connecticut’s sex registry. Please click the link registering as a sex offender to learn more about Connecticut sex registry. The National Sex Registry can be accessed by the general public of the nation and any police force in the United States.

Discuss Your Sex Crime Charge with a CT Lawyer

If you have been charged with any of these crimes or have questions about whether or not you could be charged with a federal crime, you can contact an attorney in your area. Try to find an attorney who has worked on both state and federal cases. At our law firm, many of our lawyers have worked on federal cases. We can help with your situation. Contact us today to learn more.

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