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As I have mentioned elsewhere on this website, the pardon hearing with the Board of Pardons can be an influential event in your pardon application. One aspect of this hearing is the question and answer section. The Board of Pardons is allowed to ask you any questions that they have regarding the crimes that you have committed and your reason for applying for a pardon. While each pardon hearing is different, in order to prepare for your hearing, you should consider the following questions and how you would answer them if you get similar questions during your hearing.
As I mentioned, each pardon hearing is different, but the Board of Pardons tends to ask questions related to a few general topics. These topics include:
- Your criminal history.
- How you have changed since committing your last crime.
- Why you feel you deserve a pardon.
- Why you are applying for a pardon.
Let’s consider each of these topics and questions related to these topics individually.
Criminal History
While the Board of Pardons has seen your criminal history, they might have specific questions about the events that took place that can’t be explained on a police report. Common questions on this subject include:
- What led you to commit the crime?
- Were you influenced by anyone else to commit the crime?
- Tell me about your trial.
- What type of punishment did you receive?
- Did you commit any other crimes after your first crime?
- If so, talk about what led to this crime.
- How long has it been since you committed your last crime?
Change/Deserving a Pardon
A pardon is granted when the Board of Pardons sees that someone has truly turned their life around and made an effort to improve since committing a crime. To get a good picture of how you have changed, the Board might ask questions such as:
- When was the last time you committed a crime?
- Do you still associate with the people you were arrested with?
- Have you made an effort to further your education?
- Have you made an effort to obtain and keep a good job?
- Have you volunteered?
- How have you been able to help your community?
- Are there people who can testify to the changes you’ve made in your life?
- Are you sorry for the crime(s) you have committed?
Pardon Application
Everyone has their own reasons for apply for a pardon. The Board will want to know your reasons. They might ask questions such as:
- Is this your first time applying for a pardon?
- Why do you want a pardon?
- How will a pardon improve your life?
- If you don’t get a pardon, how will this negatively impact your life?
- If you don’t get a pardon, what will your next step be?
- Will you reapply for a pardon if you are denied one?
While many crimes are automatically pardoned in Connecticut under the new law, some are not. If you need a pardon for a crime that is not automatically pardoned, the pardon hearing will be a big factor in what happens with your application. If you want to prepare for your pardon hearing, you should consider how you would answer questions such as these. For further assistance, you can contact me here.