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Below you will find information defining how the State of Connecticut defines a minor as well as the statute regarding Access to Public Records.
Definition of “Minor”
MinSec.1-1d.“Minor,” “infant,” “infancy,” “age of majority,” defined. Except as otherwise provided by statute, on and after October 1, 1972, the terms “minor,” “infant,” and “infancy,” refer to a person under the age of eighteen. Also, any person eighteen years of age or over constitutes an adult for all purposes whatsoever. Finally, they have the same legal capacity, rights, powers, privileges, duties, liabilities, and responsibilities as persons heretofore had at twenty-one years of age. In addition, “age of majority” shall be deemed to be eighteen years.
Access to Public Records
Sec.1-210.(Formerly Sec. 1-19). Access to public records. Exempt records.(a) Except as otherwise provided by any federal law or state statute, all records maintained or kept on file by any public agency, whether or not such records get required by any law or by any rule or regulation, shall be public records and every person shall have the right to: (1) inspect such records promptly during regular office or business hours. Also, (2) copy such records in accordance with subsection (g) of section 1-212. Finally, (3) receive a copy of such records in accordance with section 1-212.
Any agency rule or regulation, or part thereof, that conflicts with the provisions of this subsection or diminishes or curtails in any way the rights granted by this subsection shall get voided. Each such agency shall keep and maintain all public records in its custody at its regular office or place of business in an accessible place and, if no such office or place of business exists, the public records pertaining to such agency stay in the office of the clerk of the political subdivision in which such public agency has a location or of the Secretary of the State.
Any certified record hereunder attested as a true copy by the clerk, chief or deputy of such agency or by such other person designated or empowered by law to so act, shall constitute competent evidence in any court of this state of the facts contained therein.
(b) Nothing in the Freedom of Information Act shall require disclosure of:
Preliminary drafts or notes provided the public agency has determined that the public interest in withholding such documents clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure;
Personnel or medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute an invasion of personal privacy.
Records of law enforcement agencies not otherwise available to the public which records compiled in connection with the detection or investigation of crime, if the disclosure of said records does not serve the public interest because it would result in the disclosure of:
(A) The identity of informants not otherwise known or the identity of witnesses not otherwise known whose safety would be endangered or who would be subject to threat or intimidation if their identity was made known.
(B) The identity of minor witnesses.
(C) Signed statements of witnesses.
(D) Information used in a prospective law enforcement action if prejudicial to such action.
(E) Investigatory techniques not otherwise known to the general public.
(F) Arrest records of a juvenile. This shall also include any investigatory files, concerning the arrest of such juvenile. These should receive compilation for law enforcement purposes.
(G) The name and address of the victim of a sexual assault under section 53a-70, 53a-70a, 53a-71, 53a-72a, 53a-72b or 53a-73a. Or, injury or risk of injury. Or, impairing of morals under section 53-21, or of an attempt thereof.
(H) Uncorroborated allegations subject to destruction pursuant to section 1-216.