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Hacking is a serious crime in the state of Connecticut and the United States overall. This crime is commonly considered a computer crime because it has become a prevalent crime since the rise of computers and the internet. To learn more about this crime, read on.

What is Hacking?

Hacking occurs when one person or entity gains access to another person or entity’s online information without consent or permission. Any electronic devices can be hacked, including laptops, desktops, smartwatches, and cell phones.

Personal information can be hacked, and for various purposes. For example, a hacker might gain access to a person’s financial information and steal from them. Or, they may “leak” personal information onto the internet, such as private photographs or sensitive material.

Hackers can steal a person’s identity, their money, or sensitive information through hacking. This can have serious consequences for the person or company that gets hacked.


Because the consequences can be so serious for the victim of hacking, this crime is taken seriously by the government. Hacking is classified and punished in a number of different ways. Also, this crime is punishable under Connecticut’s computer crime statutes and will depend on the individual circumstances of the crime. Computer hacking can range from a Class B felony to a Class B misdemeanor. If charged as a Class B felony, you face:

  • As many as 20 years in prison.
  • A fine of as much as $15,000.

If charged as a Class B misdemeanor, you face:

  • A jail sentence of up to six months.
  • A fine of up to $1,000.

If you are charged with this crime, you might be charged with other crimes on top of this. For example, if the hacking was done to commit a crime such as larceny or identity theft, you could be charged for those crimes as well as computer hacking.

Getting Help

If charged with this crime, you expose yourself to not only a criminal trial, but a civil lawsuit as well. The person who’s computer you’ve hacked has the right to file a civil lawsuit against you. Handling the cases related to hacking can be stressful and difficult to understand. For these reasons, it is a good idea to contact a criminal defense attorney. An attorney can take care of your civil and criminal cases and present evidence in your defense. Even if you face conviction, an attorney can try to get your penalties reduced.

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