License Suspension

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License Suspension

The state’s Department of Motor Vehicles may suspend a person’s driver’s license for various reasons. Some common reasons include failing to pay a fine, accumulating moving violations, being convicted of a DUI crime, and failing to submit to a blood/alcohol test.

Regardless of why a person’s license is under suspension, driving with a suspended license is against the law. These are criminal actions where a conviction could result in significant fines or even time spent in jail. A lawyer can help you understand and deal with the consequences of a Bridgeport DUI driver’s license suspension. The legal team at Ruane Attorneys can explore the legitimacy of the charges against you, explain the potential consequences of a conviction, and form a strategy moving forward.

Reasons for License Suspensions

Driving a car or any other type of motor vehicle on Bridgeport’s roads is a privilege under the law. All motorists must apply for and receive a driver’s license. Behavior that threatens the well-being of others while behind the wheel can justify suspending a person’s driver’s license. For example, accumulating multiple moving violations that involve speeding, failing to yield, or causing accidents will result in points on a person’s record and an automatic suspension.

As applied to DUI cases, all drivers operate on public roads under the assumption that they will submit to a blood, breath, or urine test upon demand of an arresting officer. According to Connecticut General Statute § 14-227b, taking one of these tests is mandatory. While a driver has the right to refuse, their refusal will come with an automatic 6-month loss of license.

Driver’s license suspensions can also result from DUI, OUI, or DWI convictions. At a minimum, a conviction comes with a 45-day suspension. This suspension will increase if a person has prior convictions for DUI on their record.

Notice of Suspension

Regardless of why a person’s license is suspended, the court or Department of Motor Vehicles must provide them with appropriate notice of the suspension. Disputing whether a person received this notice can be an effective defense against these charges. Our Bridgeport attorneys could help investigate if a driver received proper notice of a driver’s license suspension.

Driving with a Suspended License in Bridgeport

Driving with a suspended license is a criminal offense. Because these are criminal charges, a driver must appear in court, and the local district attorney will take charge of the case.

CT Gen. Stat. § 14-215 says that driving on a public road with a suspended license is a misdemeanor. This means that a conviction allows a court to impose a fine of up to $200 or a 90-day jail sentence. However, if a person’s license is under suspension because of an alcohol-related offense, the penalties are much harsher. Here, the fine will range from $500 to $1,000, and the defendant faces a jail sentence of 30 days to one year.

Those accused of driving with a suspended license after a DUI conviction should discuss their situation with a Bridgeport lawyer as soon as possible. The local attorneys at our firm can work to mitigate the potential penalties.

Speak with a Bridgeport Attorney About DUI Driver’s License Suspensions

Allegations involving driving without a license after a DUI conviction are serious matters. These are criminal charges where a conviction will create a criminal record and could require you to pay stiff fines or spend time in jail. However, prosecutors can only secure a conviction if they prove that you knew your license was suspended and still drove on a public road.

Ruane Attorneys could help to fight back against this idea. Our legal team could thoroughly investigate the incident and assess what information the DMV and courts sent to you. This could help contest the idea that you knowingly drove with a suspended license. Learn more about Bridgeport DUI license suspensions and how to fight against alleged violations by calling our firm today.

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