Ruane Attorneys At Law, LLC
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DUI Defense

In one night, your whole life can change. Suddenly you are facing a court appearance, a fight to save your suspended driver’s license, and the embarrassment and shame that goes with being accused of a crime.

All at once your life seems out of control. Unfortunately, a DUI arrest usually is compounded with other family and personal issues, and it may seem overwhelming at times. That is where we come in.

At Ruane Attorneys, our lawyers and staff are trained in the defense of Connecticut DUI cases.

Ruane's team members

Criminal Defense

This has given our team the opportunity to learn about every different type of criminal defense and grow in their abilities as trial lawyers. Our lawyers know the ins and outs of Connecticut criminal law and the criminal courthouses throughout Connecticut. This means that no matter what criminal charge you are facing, we can assign a lawyer to your case who has the knowledge and the experience to confidently represent you.

Our team of attorneys and staff members is dedicated to finding the best criminal defense for your case, even if that means long hours of preparation to come up with creative defenses. If you don’t know where to turn to build your criminal defense, please look through the free content on this website and contact us for a free consultation to discuss your case.

Meet The Attorneys

Meet the Attorneys

Personable. Professional. Passionate.

These are the words our clients, colleagues, and adversaries have used to define the lawyers of Ruane Attorneys. Because knowing how to manage the interpersonal dynamics of negotiations and dispositions is as important as knowing how to cross examine an argument, our lawyers constantly work on self improvement to provide the absolute best they can give in your defense.